Powering Nonprofit
Grant Support


Empowering Art and Education in Oregon

The James F. and Marion L. Miller Foundation, committed to enriching Oregon's arts and education sectors, funds nonprofits statewide. They envision communities where arts flourish and educational opportunities are equally accessible to all children.


The Miller Foundation’s grant process was hindered by a website that had lost coherence over time. The structure made it difficult for users to understand eligibility criteria and navigate the application process seamlessly, resulting in an excessive need for assistance from foundation staff.

  • Streamline the grant application process for ease of understanding
  • Optimize website flow to enhance self-guidance
  • Represent their brand vibrantly and effectively online
  • Develop an accessible database of their grant history

User-Centric Focus

Our process began with developing personas and mapping user journeys, focusing on the diverse needs of grant seekers.

Miller Foundation persona exampleMiller Foundation user journey example
screen capture from Miller Foundation home page

This groundwork led to a reimagined website experience, where simplicity in language and a logical flow are paramount.

screen capture from Miller Foundation grants page

We transitioned from complex terminologies to user-friendly content, ensuring the grant application process was intuitive and engaging.

screen capture from Miller Foundation grants database

The project also included the development of a brand-new resource: a searchable database of the Foundation’s grant history.

A Vibrant & Navigable Funding Hub

This transformation has led to improved user comprehension and autonomy in navigating the grant application journey. The redesigned website also mirrors the vibrancy of the Miller Foundation mission. It’s not only an aesthetic upgrade but a functional evolution.

View the site ›
devices showing the Miller Foundation websitescreen capture from Miller Foundation Initiatives section


Post-redesign, the Miller Foundation website has seen an increase in user comprehension and independent navigation. The new site effectively demystifies the grant application process, empowering applicants with the knowledge and resources they need.

Summit International Awards, Winner
I love your website! I learned a lot about your programs, and it has such a joyous feeling about it, and it’s easy/clean to navigate.

— a Miller Foundation attorney


Content Strategy
Brand Messaging
Visual Identity


UX Development
UX Design
Web Design
Web Development


Copy Editing
Photo Curation

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All great ideas start with a conversation. We’d love to hear what you’re dreaming of.

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4039 N Mississippi Ave #208, Portland, OR 97227  •  map ›

(971) 258-1824

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